Sunday, February 10, 2008

When it comes to assistive technology, expect convenenience and benefit to win out.

At the National Aging In Place Council (NAIPC) regional meeting in Denver this week I heard Nathan Colburn of Accessible Solutions in Denver give a good discussion of assistive technology. Like us, Nathan feels that increasingly many needs can be met by technology rather than remodeling. But until the worst happens, and sometimes after, there are few people who will proactive seek out assistive technology.

The catch is that if you think about it, we all use “assistive technology” everyday. What about the television remote control? While it may not always be the easiest thing to master, there are not many people these days who get up and change the channels manually. (When I was a kid, kids were the assistive technology—I can still hear mom directing me to get up and change the channel for her. Young knees and all that.)

Another great example, the garage door opener—everyone in the audience who had a garage also had an automatic opener. Even simple things like eyeglasses and cell phones can be categorized as assistive technology. How about artificial joints? And all of them met with resistance and had their share of new technology issues, but we eventually embraced them because of the obvious benefits they offer. Convenience, safety, status--you name it. As we begin to embrace assistive technology for aging, the “mature market” will increasing experience the benefits. And that will lead to more widespread acceptance which will yield benefits for all.

1 comment:

Accessible Systems said...

Great summary and interesting post, David. Thankfully, an industry is busy inventing and perfecting assistive tech, and as we accept change and convenience, it will be there for our benefit.

At Accessible Systems, here in Colorado, we are amazed at how many people come into our showrooms and say," I wish I had known about that a year ago!"

Hopefully, we will continue to see groups like your raise awareness of life changing options that make your own home work for you!