I came across the grab bar install shown in the photo the other day. Unfortunately, I did not have someone with me who could have sat in the tub and shown the impracticality of this installation. If you are lying in this tub, to try and use this bar your arms are high and above the plane of your shoulder which makes it impossible to gain leverage—believe me, I tried it. And, the grab bar is almost useless for getting down into the tub—probably a good thing because once you get down there it is not going to help you get back up. The bar also offers no support to someone showering.
This installation (in a hotel room) is clearly something that was done to meet at requirement or policy (or a desire to not obstruct the soap dish) without regard for the actual benefit of the user. Worthless—someone who knew what they were doing could have easily specified or installed the bars in a position that would have been more likely to be beneficial. Does anyone see a practical aspect here that I am missing? Or is this just a waste of stainless steel?